Monday, July 31, 2006

Two scary movies and a clean smelly house

While Aaron was in St. Louis this weekend, I enjoyed a Garlic Extravaganza. I had garlic pizza Friday and made a shrimp scampi recipe that called for one and a half tablespoons of garlic on Saturday. Aaron isn't a garlic fan. I somehow managed to get the smell out of the house before he came home.
"The Shining" was on Friday night. I don't know why I never seem to learn I should never, ever, watch that movie by myself. Fortunately, I found a "Girls Next Door" marathon on after the movie went off, and I watched Hef and the girls cavort around the mansion for a couple hours. You just can't stay scared listening to some Playmate describe her "Sleep Diet": "It's like when you sleep all day, so that way you don't eat! You miss breakfast and lunch and wake up about three, then you only have to eat dinner!" Awesome. I knew working for a living was what was making me fat.
I sat on the couch Saturday night and gorged on shrimp scampi and watched the old 80's movie "The Lost Boys" on cable. I was amazed to find that, since I left high school, Kieffer Sullivan somehow became way less cool as a vampire. The movie still kind of scared me, though, since I was watching it alone. Good thing I had all that garlic on hand.
Other than that, I cleaned. I even changed the air conditioner filter, which was black and had so much dust on it, there was no way any filtering was being accomplished. I vacuumed many months of dust bunnies out from under the bed. Aaron's job is vacuuming, but his theory is you just hit most of the exposed floor in the house and call it a day.
I was happy when he came home. Even though he doesn't vacuum correctly or eat garlic, he's still nice to have around.


Blogger Joanna Bolick said...

hahahah! you are hilarious! I can't believe you watched that movie yourself, but am totally laughing about Hef and the girls!!

5:02 PM  

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